The Sensible Solution to humidity control:

Our patented TRICOIL air conditioning system is an efficient, cost-effective method of enhancing the indoor air quality through
humidity control.  The system is very flexible to suit a wide range of applications.  We can accommodate any amount of outside air
from 0% to 100% for direct space temperature and humidity control or for introduction to the space by other systems as
preconditioned ventilation air.  We have provided systems for schools, hospitals, nursing homes, dormitories, process applications,
hotels, museums, retail, theme parks, natatoriums, indoor shooting ranges, and single and multi-family residential.  The method is
particularly well suited for humid climate air conditioning design including variable air volume systems, constant air volume systems,
multizone units, and units dedicated to pretreatment of outside air.
Basic TRICOIL System

The basic TRICOIL Systems operates much as a Heat
Pipe System, however, we use water instead of
refrigerant to accomplish the heat transfer. A pump
moves water from a precool coil to a reheat coil. The
system can be controlled by varying the speed of the
pump or by on/off control of the pump.

The TRICOIL System can be applied as a recirculation
air system or can be applied as a DOAS (Dedicated
Outside Air System). In either case the TRICOIL System
provides the most efficient method of obtaining the
desired indoor air quality.

About_TRICOIL for more information on how the
TRICOIL method works
Sensible Equipment Company, Inc.
PO Box 669, Goldenrod, Florida 32733
Phone: (407) 296 - 8068 Email:
Sensible Equipment Company, Inc.
PO Box 669, Goldenrod, Florida 32733
Phone: (407) 296 - 8068 Email:
TRICOIL Applications:
DOAS (Dedicated Outside Air Systems)

TRICOIL is a natural selection for 100% outside air systems. The supply air temperature can be maintained at a constant neutral
temperature or can be maintained at other conditions as needed for BMS control. A bypass valve to limit water flow through the reheat coil
or a variable speed drive on the pump will control the supply air temperature from exceeding neutral condition. Heat can be added to the
TRICOIL loop as needed to maintain the supply air temperature at the desired condition when the outside air temperature is below a the
temperature to maintain 100% heat transfer. Even though heat is added to the loop there will still be a sufficiently low enough water
temperature leaving the reheat coil to provide a considerable amount of precooling.
CAV (Constant Air Volume)

The TRICOIL method can be used for recirculation air applications with any amount of outside air up to and including 100% outside air. The
supply air dry bulb and dew point temperature can be automatically adjusted to maintain the desired room air temperature and relative

VAV (Variable Air Volume)

The TRICOIL method can be used for VAV applications As with CAV systems any amount of outside air up to and including 100% outside air
can be accommodated. In VAV applications the supply air volume is reduced to match reduced indoor sensible cooling loads. A problem with
this control is that the latent load typically does not reduce with reductions in sensible load in typical applications. The result is that at partial
cooling load conditions the room relative humidity increases. To resolve this problem the TRICOIL method reduces the supply air Dew Point
and increases the supply air temperature as a function of the actual supply air volume to the room. This control adjusts the air handling
unit's sensible heat factor to match the part load sensible heat ratio. The room relative humidity is thereby better maintained under part load

FCU (Fan Coil Units)

There is nothing quite as annoying  as a hotel room that is too humid. Fan coil units can be fitted with the TRICOIL method to resolve this
issue. Improves the indoor air quality (IAQ) for a better night's sleep. Actually, any residential application would benefit from the application
of a TRICOIL method.

Multiple Reheat Zones

One air handling unit can be fitted with multiple reheat coils for zoning purposes.  For example, an air handling unit used for perimeter
heating and cooling can be provided with four reheat zones for optimizing the supply air temperature to each of the zones independent of
the others. Each of the zones would derive the heat energy from one precooling coil. Or there could be a single zone that needs a constant
amount of reheat compared to the balance of the system that requires variable amount of reheat. Two reheat coils would be used for such
applications. Again, only one precooling coil would be used.

Exhaust Air Heat Recovery (EAHR)

Exhaust Air Heat Recovery (EAHR) extends the usefulness of the TRICOIL method through the shoulder months and into the winter heating
system.  When the ambient temperature is too low to transfer the entire reheat demand the system would benefit from a heat recovery coil in
an exhaust air stream. Heat collected in the exhaust air coil would be transferred to the reheat coil for reheat purposes. If there is no
demand for reheat and the exhaust air temperature is lower than the return air temperature (or outside air temperature for DOAS) heat can
be extracted from the air stream in the precooling coil and sent to the exhaust air coil. During winter conditions when the system in the
heating mode the exhaust air coil can be used as a heat source to preheat the return and/or outside air to replace or offset the energy
required for heating.

Indoor Swimming/ Pools and Therapy Pools

Precise temperature and humidity control are necessary for a quality swimming or therapy experience. Low humidity would chill the
occupants and cause excesive evaporation of the pool water resulting in extra cost for pool heating. High humidity could result in moisture
damaging from sweating on indoor surfaces. The TRICOIL methods corrects this by independently controlling the supply air humidity and
the supply air temperature for precisely optimized indoor conditions.

Indoor Skating Rinks

Like indoor pools Ice Skating Rinks require precise temperature and humidity control. With a TRICOIL system there is no need for special
dehumidification systems. The TRICOIL system can provide a 42 degree dew point supply air temperature using a brine cooling medium or
a direct expansion cooling system. Using low dew point air is not necessary. The ice surface will provide part of the indoor dehumidification
negating the usefulness of expensive equipment for the lower supply air dew point. The reheat from the TRICOIL system will provide a
comfortable temperature in the spectator areas and the other areas around the rink. The precooling process offset a portion of the cooling
required for the low dew point supply air. The use of standard air conditioning components such as central station air handling units and
commercially availble chillers for air conditioning purposes makes for a cost effective system.